पूर्व सैनिकों का देश निर्माण  मन्च

All India Ex Soldiers League

Platform for fraternal and nation building missions

सत्य मेव जयते

सारे जहॉ से अच्छा हिन्दुस्तान हमारा

Main  BENEFITS  At a Glance

1. Education of War Widows children

2. Water Security for 16 hecs ravine habitat supporting veteran villages  by providing          3x check dams

3. Monetary gain by veterans and their communities Rs. 3790175

4. Training basic computer 38 youth

5. Agriculture Tube well x 1

6. Cl2 bricks to poorer segment x 20,000

7. Community portable generator x1

8. Education of War widows children 60

9. Restoring tree cover in ravines 15,000 Sheesham/bamboo trees

10. Subsoil water table raised by 3 mtrs over 16 hecs

Missions at Hand

1. Monitoring of Check Dams  and liaison with UP Govt

2. Engagement on Health Issues With DG ECHS

3. Military Intellectual  engagement and geoponics


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All India EX Soldier’s League

Driving Motivation


1. All India Ex Soldier’s League was raised on 13th Aug 1997 under  Societies Act 1860 bearing Registration No S-31773, with an All India Constitution, and has its Headquarters in New  Delhi. It also bears the second registered title of  अखिल भारतीय पूर्व सैनिक संघ in Devnagari. Both titles are popularly shortened to Sainiksangh for general usage. It is a veteran’s organization with an expanding commitment to fraternity and to benefit of  civil society also when co- incidental, therefore the only organization of its  kind.

Founding Philosophy

2. The League is a platform   for advancing challenging   aspirations of those Veterans / officer class specially, who wish to contribute to veteran security, integrity and Welfare voluntarily, for strength of fraternity and profession of arms; a forum for Military Intellectual pursuits also. Ideally facilitating harnessing of multi–faceted experience in Services for common good of community and its habitat. We are thus a forum not only to promote interests of armed forces through veterans but also embraces a much wider vision of involvement in volunteer work culture at grass roots in soldiers habitat. A pioneering initiative different from Indian Ex Services League the government organ. The armed forces release some 50,000 trained and young manpower every year. 90%  from peasant stock returning back to their villages. Yet in a developing country as ours this large resource remains dissipated, frittered and left to its own when it has great potential for galvanizing communities for their own and collective good if mobilized for a purpose, subject to guidance and direction with resources. A  demanding challenge in our environment and grooming, Taken up as a risky experiment which none the less took us to success upto limits of our endurance. Even while we are not admitted to employ any permanent staff/ establishment , use consultancy or private labour. Task forces where required are raised with innate skills of veterans and labour provided by veterans themselves on daily wage basis as income generating work force.

3. The central drive to our missions comes from higher purpose to stem flight from villages still the granary of soldiering and will remain so indefinitely in spite of rapidly commercializing society. Veterans can safeguard our military heritage where threatened by involvement and awareness. E.g. voicing against the recent Agnipath recruiting policy introducing contract soldiering undercutting quality in soldiering and impacting traditional ethos negatively.

4. We try to focus on problems and home of veterans their peasantry stock which remain the source of best fighting material but visibly most marginalized society, the farmer.  The practice of appointing Colonel Commandants was to connect leadership with soldiers identity and habitat the granary of soldiering and food an equation vital to our survival. This ethos is in disarray today with advance of corporatization on Western lines which we must  ameliorate. One way is  to undertake projects to offset lack of funds and large donations in furtherance of our objectives, a very uphill task with no knowhow. Yet we trudged up  much against obdurate desk culture and bureaucracy.


(Apart from  purely welfare activity we are also mandated to undertake project activities that meet our objectives)

5. Basic Unit District is the basic unit for dividing   activities. Units are adopted individually on the basis of their needs and availability of resources through grants and donations to provide answers to pressing needs of veterans in these districts.

6. Node.  This is the nerve center monitoring/co-ordi activity and liaison with district HQ.  At geographical center of radii of reach of activities in a district, which could be the district capital. Plays a critical role, ultimately evolving into a multifaceted activity data bank.

7. Planning and Control. Planning of activities is undertaken centrally at the headquarters at Delhi where facilities for liaison, coordination, and expert advice are available. All activity is confined to rural belts while implementation is monitored centrally.

8. Community Participation. This is the basis for executing projects or programmes. Involves participation by village self help samitees and women. Bulk of resources carried by any scheme are thus siphoned back into the community since execution is on self help contractors not permitted. Projects are generated by progressive interaction between Sainik Sangh and communities, initiated by communities and formatted at Sainik Foundation for funding and implementation. With seeding of community foundations villages are encouraged to come forward and create autonomous cells based on missions or themes which can generate funds by fund raising drives.

 9. Funds. Sainik Sangh  is a unique NGO as it has no funds of its own but depends entirely on voluntary self-help, sponsoring agencies and donors for it’s funding. It is not supported by the Government in any way. The newly introduced experimental models of creating village treasuries i.e. graam kosh are mission or theme based voluntary collections managed fully by communities under guidance of Sainiksangh. These funds are still too meager to provide for self-sustaining ventures thus have to be augmented on these based activity.

10. Income Tax Rebate. This is admissible in India to all donors under Indian Income Tax Act Sec 12AA (I) (B) and 80(g)

11. Staff and Office. There is no staff or establishment. Business is conducted on shoestring basis by volunteers who can contribute professionally. Field workers integral to village communities provide the main powerhouse and core supervisory teams largely from ex servicemen.

12. Office Bearers                    All India Ex Soldier’s League                      


      Vice President

      General Secretary


      Registered Office Address (Private Residence)

      6090- B 8 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070, India


14. E-mail     saniksangh6@gmail.com  (HQ)

                                 sainiksangh2@gmail.com           (Node UP)

15. Web Site           ‘sainiksangh.org’                              


|                                      |                                           |

           (Watershed Mission Stations the work sites)

             Veteran Cells Feeding Data To Node

17. Composition of our Node

One room SHACK

Work Bench



Map Board Maps

Bicycle/ Motorcycle

Portable Generator

Trained Volunteer on Stipend (Kshatra Prabandhak a local veteran/ trained peasant)                                                                                                                   

18. IWAC – Integrated Watershed Data and Action Cell

Nerve Centre at Node for Executing, Monitoring, Controlling Watershed Projects, their  evaluation, Collection and dissemination of Data, maintaining a Library, holding, records and Project Histories. Interacti on and Liaison with Communities and Pradhans. In direct link with HQ. A Node will normally be at the district town for ease of communications. On ground we follow a definite pattern for handling work to make the best of scant resources by adopting:

· Spartan habits and instilling Self Esteem.

· Rigid fiscal control.

· Diffusing handyman culture for picking up skills on the job, awareness and temper for science to achieve efficiency.

· Introducing new work culture of the four Joys.

· Joy in Work, Joy in sharing, Joy in accepting responsibility, Joy in Collective Prosperity.
Distant Focus

· Stem Flight to Cities.

· Conserve and preserve.

· Water Security - Choose water source as the nucleus for village development capacity Building- through rural technologies and income generation.

· Restore Eco balance and biodiversity.

· Learning Centers.

· Seed community foundations through Gram Kosh - village treasury.




Brief on Sainiksangh

Objectives & Goals


Environment & Climate


Swasti IV

War Widows




Title of the project



Funding Agency


Pragya 1

2000 onwards

Education of war widows children post Kargil

Ministry of Defence


Rejuvenation of Water Water/ Hygiene UNDP Resources and Hygiene Facilities in Village Salaita Janpad Etawah’


Water and Environment




TATA –Sainiksangh Sahyog Abhiyan


Rural Science

Women Empowerment

Tata Trust


Community Initiative for Rejuvenation and Management of  Environment Degraded Salaita Ravines for Sustainable Development’







Augmentation of Water Resources for Rejuvenation and Reclamation of Bio Degraded Yamuna Ravines by Harnessing Integral Perennial Water Source to create a water body at Fort Pratapner Janpad Etawah



Land Reclamation




Grameen Takniki Nirman Tatha Anubhavashala (Community Technology Park)


Rural Technology

Environment Income generation

Ministry of Science & Technology


Develop Ex Situ Cultivation Centres for Medicinal Plants through Self Help Initiative by Marginalised Communities in  Yamkeshwar Block Pauri Garhwal


Promotion of Himalayan Herbs

Alternative farming for income generation

NMPB  Ministry of Health


Seeding of  Community Foundation in Pauri Garhwal


Social  Structuring

Self governance

Income generation

Global Funds


Grameen Takniki Nirman Tatha

Anubhavashala-2 (GTNAS-2)

(Community Technology Park)


Rural Technology

Capacity building

Ministry of Science & Technology


Pragya 2

2011- onwards

Knowledge Base

IT Capacity building in rural youth

Sainiksangh Graam Kosh