पूर्व सैनिकों का देश निर्माण   मन्च

All India Ex Soldiers League

Veteran’s platform for fraternal and nation building Missions

Objectives & Goals

(Main Extract from Memorandum)

Preamble - To function as a non-commercial apolitical Veteran voluntary welfare body Members cannot be party members at the same time or divide their allegiance between League and any party , openly or covertly except that they are free to exercise their right to vote for any party or individual.

· To promote citizen values in rural Veteran through awareness, re-orientation and education, so that they can become self reliant to face challenges of a competitive society with dignity and respect.

· To further the cause of understanding and assimilation of military thought as a component of national culture and its projection in national interest.

· To take up the cause for general betterment and social security of ex soldiers so as to facilitate their social mobility which is vital for their dignity and important to national prestige and esteem.

· To undertake commitment to important national issues such as protection of environment, ecology, habitat, schemes related to conservation protection of national heritage and wild life.

· To mobilise ex soldiers for service to community in times of crisis and national calamity.

· To provide external centres of military culture for research and interaction with society and academia.

· To undertake schemes for promotion of science and scientific aptitude in rural youth as part of human resource development vocation of arms in specific and youth development in general.

· To take up leadership building programmes such as exposure of youth to collective fitness such as adventure, camping rural sports and other activities.

· To harness ex servicemen  potential for Nation Building activities through participation in developmental schemes/projects/activities, training of youth and social upliftment programs.

· To promote rehabilitation programs, measures and schemes.

· To undertake and participate in other ventures, projects and schemes to generate employment for rural communities for alleviation of poverty.

· To undertake  protection of environment, ecology, habitat, and schemes related to conservation, protection of national heritage and wild life.

· To mobilize community in times of crisis or national calamity.

· To take up leadership building programs such as exposure of youth to collective fitness through adventure, camping, rural sports and other activities.

· To establish leadership building centres in rural areas as clubs, gymnasiums, youth development and talent spotting centres.

· To take up programs and schemes for promotion of vocational training for  children and women.

· To take up projects and schemes for promotion of health and education in rural areas, including running of mobile medical teams, libraries, health and information centres.

· To organize lectures, motivational seminars contact programs and audio visual presentation for youth and academia.

· Take up surveys, promotional schemes, studies, validation etc for and on behalf of other agencies.

· Accept and disburse donations, prizes, aid, grants etc for supporting the implementation of aims and objectives.

· To establish schools/ military schools / vocational training centres  and libraries for furtherance of objectives .

· To provide a platform for projection of views , proposals , ideas and thoughts on matters concerning national security  and the military institution.

· To establish a press undertake printing, publication  and  distribute material regarding matters within the gambit of he Memorandum.

· Interact in conjunction with and in support of other ex soldier organisations so long as these have no contradictory aims , objectives an are apolitical.

· To create corpus and endowment for extending financial support to the institutions so created.

· To accept and disburse donations , prizes , aids grants etc for the implementation of aims and objectives.

· To promote goodwill with veterans organisations of other nations specially those with which our country has close ties and links.


Methodology as Guideline

Harness                             -          Untapped capacity of veterans.

Identify                             -          With Grass root the Village granary of soldiering and national  bread basket.

Promote & Integrate     -          Environment  in activities.

Stem                                   -          Flight to cities.

Stimulate                          -          Capacity building for self reliance in rural communities.

Conserve and  Protect heritage

Diffuse                              -          Skills, Temper for science and handyman culture in Youth.

Inculacate Simplicity   -          Sense for order, cleanliness and values.

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