1. All India Ex Soldiers League herein after The League or Sainiksangh is registered as an All India body under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with official HQ at 6090 B8 Vasant Kunj New Delhi 110070 vide No S-31773 of 13 Aug 1997. 2. The League is granted approval under Sec 80 G of Income Tax Act 1961 with effect from AY 2011-12 onwards till rescinded. 3. The League is Registered under Foreign Contributing (Regulation) Act 1976 Vide no 231660787 (Social) 4. Sainiksangh is a military veterans organisation was founded on 13th Aug 1997 with an exclusive agenda of ameliorating conditions in our rural habitat wherever it is still traditional granary of soldering and as these impact his sustenance and quality of life. There by in a way embracing a holistic approach to attending to his habitat perhaps remotely the once role of colonel commandants of British Indian Army. More important today with skew in economic growth leaving a vast portion of rural country behind others with attendant flight to cities in an agrarian country. Taking cue from this League impressed ideas to adopt some unique objectives for its missions beyond the routine. This in face of severe constraints and clash with set practices by embrace (for details refer to Memorandum of Society): Promotion of rehabilitation programmes for war widows and their children. Undertaking schemes promoting skills in youth, enhancing their knowledge base through awareness programs. Mobilize ex servicemen and their communities in times of crisis and natural calamities. Undertake commitment to protection and resuscitation of environment, ecology, habitat, and schemes related to conservation, protection of national heritage and wild life. Promote temper for science in rural youth and schemes for promotion of science and scientific aptitude in rural areas. Undertake promotion of rural/military sports, adventure. Promote hygiene and health in rural areas. Establish amateur and community radio stations. Seed, promote and consolidate community foundation structures at village level built on concept of ‘graam kosh’ an exclusive concept enunciated and experimented by Sainik Foundation. 5. Basic Unit District is the basic unit for activities. Units are adopted individually on the basis of their needs , our own capacity, ex servicemen and their community aspirations. Districts are there to be picked up by respective Members who may choose to pursue an activity relevant to their environment by opening and operating a node the hub of activity. · Planning and Control. At registered head office at Delhi. · Community Participation. Central to all activity and basis of evolving and executing schemes is creating self help summeeties with participation of women where possible . Bulk of funding of any scheme is thus siphoned back into the community since execution is by self help groups substituting for outside contractors. Projects are generated by progressive interaction between League and communities, initiated by communities and formatted at League for funding and implementation. With seeding of community foundations villages are encouraged to come forward and create autonomous cells based on missions or themes of their hosing which can generate funds by fund raising drives including external donations, an entirely new mode. · Funds. The League started without any corpus funds but just the minimum paltry amount of founding members donation. Thus depended entirely on voluntary self-help, sponsoring agencies and their grants . We are not supported by any Government agency . The newly tried experimental models of creating village treasuries i.e. graam kosh are mission or theme based funded by voluntary collections and managed fully by respective communities but supported by Sainiksangh in execution and inviting donors . Management of funds is there fore autonomous by a node or a community. Office Bearers All India Ex Soldier’s League President Maj Gen APS Chauhan (retired) Web Site “sainiksangh.org” Presidents Contact : 9968453356 |
पूर्व सैनिकों का देश निर्माण मन्च |
All India Ex Soldiers League |
Organisation |
Presidents Page Themes Swasti Poster Swasti 1 Swasti IV Community Enterprise and Graam Kosh Military Thought Annals and Philosophy War Widows Page Veterans Page HAM Radio & Temper for Science Protection of Heritage Adventure Financial Matrix Achievements Articles & Bibliography Opinions Guest Page News &Views Editorial |