Countermeasures to Bring Relief to Veteran Communities of Yamuna Ravines

पूर्व सैनिकों का देश निर्माण  मन्च

All India Ex Soldiers League

Platform for fraternal and nation building missions

सत्य मेव जयते

सारे जहॉ से अच्छा हिन्दुस्तान हमारा


(Background  Narrative from Presidents Account)

Ensive ravines astride Yamuna and Chambal Rivers are symbolic of mass eco destruction and advance of arid zone over thousands of hectares of once open forest of Central India. Stripped of  top cover  most soil becoming  silt. Erratic inconsistent monsoons rendering terrain most harsh for survival, marginalizing farming communities the granary of soldiering since ages. Alarmed at rapidly declining sub soil water table and drying up wells, drew  our attention while visiting  an old widow of an ex subedar in village Silaita in remote ravine. She asked me to shoot her since  she is too old to fetch water from far off as her well dries up in summers.  Appeals to visiting candidates seeking her vote, unheeded  even as hand pumps go dry. Her touching plea and water insecurity in region became our cause to seek solution. We liaised with Administration and Jal Board who put their hands up despite migration due to shrinking agriculture As a Sapper one one could not accept such setback  be it peace or war “ Sarvatra” our motto. So suggested the possibility of arresting monsoon run off with check dams but rejected by Jal Board as  being unviable in silt. Not deterred decided to experiment on our own and got the community to pledge voluntary support collectively using veteran NCOs to lead teams for task force. But had no resources, funds or equipment. Approached   various ministries for help but to  no avail against   entrenched and  unimaginative  bureaucracy. It was UNDP impressed by the idea and offered us a paltry grant to cover just one third of cost . This could not meet expenses specially for hiring EM machine. Finall Army came to rescue by  provideds a Para Brigade  dozer team  for duration of first scheme  Swasti I at village Silaita ( widows village}. This becoming a drill for  Swasti II and Swasti IV became a dill for follow-up  ie Swasti II and Swasti IV taken up on  popular demand from villages Jhabrapura and Pratapner  latter  depicted on this page. On question of design we had no resources to hire a consultant. Not deterred again, took bold military engineers step to design ourselves  despite without  any  knowhow just  using gut  instincts, searched net finally proverbial Khanna’s Hanbook for Civil Engineers Produced a design for both brick and earthen check dams.


Þ Produced water bodies by arresting runoff from catchment largest 1.3 kms in Swasti IV.

Þ Cumulatively, the three checkdams raised the sub soil water level by 1.5-2 mtrs in 16 hecs of plateaux thus reducing the time taken for watering fields saving on fuel.

Þ All village wells remain charged even during summers.

Þ Moisturisation of soil brough soil cover around the check dams and back waters.

Þ Mde possible to restore tree cover once open sheesham forest.

Reappearance of lost herbs such as rare GLOROSIA SUPRBA FLOWERS WERE

Maj Gen APS Chauhan on site   recce.

ABOVE Swasti IV Design

Below Opening the route  Sub Khan from BEG ahead of dozer Maj Gen Chauhan walking  behind

Cross SectionView

Above- Backwater 1.3 kms from spillway

Below – Reappearance of herb Glorosia Superba just above north of dam site

Above  The Checkdam Site became an attraction for schools celebrating Netaji Day


Brief on Sainiksangh

Objectives & Goals


Environment & Climate


Swasti IV

War Widows